Results for 'Sandro Luiz Bazzanella'

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  1.  13
    Insegurança e medo na vida urbana.Sandro Luiz Bazzanella & Sandra Bazzanella - 2022 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 22 (2):280-292.
    This article aims to offer some notes related to the question of the insecurity and fear in urban life. Constitutive condition of many, if not all, contemporary societies, fear and insecurity in urban space, or, in public space, are here analized from two thinkers. The sociologist Zygmunt Bauman is present insofar as he considers the fear a constitutive aspect on two life dimensions : on the fragility and the human contingence towards nature, and on the society itself, constituted by rules (...)
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    Formação Ética no contexto filosófico da Educação Básica.Sandro Luiz Charnoski - forthcoming - Revista Digital de Ensino de Filosofia - REFilo.
    O objetivo deste artigo é apontar possibilidades de pensamento ético que possam ser apropriados pela Educação Básica de forma concreta e que auxiliem os processos de ensino e aprendizagem da Filosofia como momento ímpar da formação ética das juventudes nas escolas. Desenvolvemos uma abordagem teórica da Ética a partir conceitos fundamentais para a discussão atual, autenticidade e responsabilidade, com uma releitura para aproximar o campo teórico conceitual, próprio da filosofia, do campo vivencial tanto do professor da Educação Básica quanto dos (...)
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  3. A função do Poder Militar na vida política segundo Maquiavel.José Luiz Ames - 2005 - Etica E Politica 8 (1):0-0.
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    Heart rate variability analysis by chaotic global techniques in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.Rubens Wajnsztejn, Tatiana Dias De Carvalho, David M. Garner, Luiz Carlos Marques Vanderlei, Moacir Fernandes Godoy, Rodrigo Daminello Raimundo, Celso Ferreira, Vitor E. Valenti & Luiz Carlos De Abreu - 2016 - Complexity 21 (6):412-419.
  5. A formação do conceito moderno de Estado: A contribuição de Maquiavel.José Luiz Ames - 2011 - Discurso 41 (41):293-328.
    A formação do conceito moderno de Estado: A contribuição de Maquiavel.
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    Quantum Theory Methods as a Possible Alternative for the Double-Blind Gold Standard of Evidence-Based Medicine: Outlining a New Research Program.Diederik Aerts, Lester Beltran, Suzette Geriente, Massimiliano Sassoli de Bianchi, Sandro Sozzo, Rembrandt Van Sprundel & Tomas Veloz - 2019 - Foundations of Science 24 (2):217-225.
    We motivate the possibility of using notions and methods derived from quantum physics, and more specifically from the research field known as ‘quantum cognition’, to optimally model different situations in the field of medicine, its decision-making processes and ensuing practices, particularly in relation to chronic and rare diseases. This also as a way to devise alternative approaches to the generally adopted double-blind gold standard.
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    A transição religiosa brasileira e o processo de difusão das filiações evangélicas no Rio de Janeiro.José Eustáquio Diniz Alves, Suzana Marta Cavenaghi & Luiz Felipe Walter Barros - 2014 - Horizonte 12 (36):1055-1085.
    Catholicism has been the hegemonic religion in Brazil. However, in recent decades the country is undergoing a major religious transformation, with a drop of Catholic affiliations and rapid growth of evangelicals, and a increase to a lesser pace, of other religions and no-religion. Hence, there is a growing religious plurality, although Christianity remains widely majority in the country. But within the Christian religion there is a change of hegemony between Catholics and evangelicals. An innovation of the dogma and the evangelical (...)
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  8. Transformações do significado de conflito na "História de Florença" de Maquiavel.José Luiz Ames - 2014 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 55 (129):265-286.
    exam of the issue of conflict since the “History of Florence” provides us with elements capable to show the Machiavellian reflection does not evolve according to such a simple and linear way as it is shown in the “Discourses”. In fact, investigation will reveal that the opposition between the two types of conflict – positive conflict and negative conflict –, described in the “Discourses”, is progressively defined, from the analysis of Florentian history, as being just one type – the tragic (...)
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    Hardships in Italian Prisons During the COVID-19 Emergency: The Experience of Healthcare Personnel.Ines Testoni, Giada Francioli, Gianmarco Biancalani, Sandro Libianchi & Hod Orkibi - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: The recent COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the deficiencies that characterize the functioning of the Italian national health system. Prisons have always mirrored the most radical expressions of these weaknesses. During the early stages of the pandemic, prison facilities across Italy underwent a series of changes dictated by the need to ensure the safety of the prisoners and staff. The adoption of these rules contributed to a total or partial redefinition of many central facets of life in prison, such as (...)
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    Exploring the Role of Action Consequences in the Handle-Response Compatibility Effect.Elisa Scerrati, Stefania D’Ascenzo, Luisa Lugli, Cristina Iani, Sandro Rubichi & Roberto Nicoletti - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14:550194.
    Previous research investigating handle-response compatibility effects with graspable objects used different categories of objects as stimuli, regardless of their specific, intrinsic characteristics. The current study explores whether different types of objects’ characteristics may elicit different types of spatial compatibility, that is, handle-response and response-effect compatibility as well as their potential interaction. In Experiment 1, objects having a graspable handle opposite to either a visible functional component (i.e.,handle-function objects: a teapot) or a latent functional component (handle-only objects: a pitcher lacking the (...)
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    Teoria conflitual da política de Maquiavel: alternativa ao paradoxo moderno da relação entre poder constituinte e poder constituído?José Luiz Ames - 2018 - Discurso 48 (1):167-191.
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    Teoria do Design Inteligente: uma análise sob a ótica da Teoria da Ação Comunicativa e implicações para a Educação Científica.Hernani Luiz Azevedo & Lizete Maria Orquiza de Carvalho - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 37 (81):1303-1348.
    Resumo: Neste artigo desenvolvemos uma análise teórica sobre a Teoria do Design Inteligente e as polêmicas a ela associadas. Para tanto, tomamos por base princípios da Teoria da Ação Comunicativa de Jürgen Habermas. Realizamos uma distinção entre a teoria e o movimento do Design Inteligente, discorrendo sobre algumas das recorrentes críticas das quais estes têm sido alvos. Como conclusões, identificamos a importância de argumentações não serem de antemão excluídas das discussões científicas apenas por terem origem em ideias religiosas. Também apontamos (...)
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  13. Gianluca scroccu Sandro pertini E il psi: Dal superamento Del «fronte popolare» al centro-sinistra (1955-1963).Sandro Pertini E. Il - forthcoming - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano.
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  14. A perfeição humana na perspectiva católica de D. João Becker no período de 1912 a 1946.Cláudia Regina Costa Pacheco, Elomar Antônio Calegaro Tambara & Jorge Luiz da Cunha - 2012 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 17 (2).
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  15. A natureza do poder E as ilusões do contrato social em Robert filmer.Luiz Felipe Netto de Andrade & Silva Sahd - 2005 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 10 (1).
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    A noção de liberdade no Emílio de Rousseau.Luiz Felipe Netto de Andrade & Silva Sahd - 2005 - Trans/Form/Ação 28 (1):109-118.
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    Psicanálise e colonização: leituras do sintoma social no Brasil.Edson Luiz André de Sousa (ed.) - 1999 - Porto Alegre, RS: Artes e Ofícios.
    Neste livro, psicanalistas procuram mostrar possíveis efeitos da história colonial do Brasil. Foram também convidados a dialogar com a psicanálise intelectuais de outras áreas como a sociologia, a antropologia, a literatura, as artes, a filosofia e a história do Brasil.
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    Positivismo, monarquismo, autoritarismo, coronelismo, populismo: reflexões sobre política e história.Ricardo Luiz de Souza - 2011 - Curitiba: Juruá Editora.
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    Recognition, disrecognition and legitimacy.Luiz Gustavo da Cunha de Souza - 2016 - Thesis Eleven 134 (1):13-27.
    This article discusses Axel Honneth’s recent theory of recognition, as exposed in his book Freedom’s Right (2001). The argument defended here is that Honneth’s approach does not apprehend the normative implications of political conflicts, for it relies on what some critics have called normative history. Against that approach, this paper defends a model of social theory that is not committed to normative presuppositions of analysis. Rather, it seeks to understand how political struggles strive for normative authority. As an illustration of (...)
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    O Caso Mauthner: O Tractatus, o Círculo Kraus e a Significatividade da Negação.Mauro Luiz Engelmann - 2023 - Analytica. Revista de Filosofia 25 (2):67-83.
    Argumento que precisamos mudar de perspectiva na elucidação da referência a Mauthner no Tractatus. A pergunta a ser feita não é “Quais são as semelhanças ou diferenças entre os projetos de Mauthner e do Tractatus?”, mas “Por que Wittgenstein se deu ao trabalho de negar que sua Sprachkritik poderia ter alguma relação com Mauthner?”. A significatividade da negação em “não no sentido de Mauthner” (TLP 4.0031) não se encontra em um problema comum para o qual Mauthner e Wittgenstein teriam suas (...)
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  21.  15
    Reading Wittgenstein's Tractatus.Mauro Luiz Engelmann - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    This Element presents a concise and accessible view of the central arguments of Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. Starting from the difficulties found in historical and current debates, drawing on the background of Russell's philosophy, and grounded in the ladder structure expressed in the numbering system of the book, this Element presents the central arguments of the Tractatus in three lines of thought. The first concerns the role of the so-called 'ontology' and its relationship to the method of the Tractatus and its (...)
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  22.  9
    Instituições internacionais: comércio, segurança e integração.Paulo Luiz Esteves & Alcides Costa Vaz (eds.) - 2003 - Belo Horizonte: Editora PUC Minas.
  23. Guida bibliografica ad Albert Einstein.Ludovico Geymonat, Silvio Bergia, Paolo Boringhieri, Marcello Ceccarelli, Sandro Petruccioli & Luigi Brasini (eds.) - 1979 - Bettini.
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    Deus: Da revelação bíblica à identidade trinitária, O desenvolvimento de Uma identidade libertadora.Adilson Cristiano Habowski & Lucas Luiz Abreu Rocha - 2018 - Revista de Teologia 11 (20):13-29.
    The purpose of the following text is to analyze the development of the understanding of God in the theological-biblical imaginery, as well as the formulations that allow us to understand the development of Transcendent identity in history and in the construction of the talk and about God. Starting from a brief synopsis of the biblical Old Testament design of elements present in the theological imagination of the identity of the God of Israel, from liberating perception present in the image of (...)
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    The clustering of galaxies in the sdss-iii baryon oscillation spectroscopic survey: The low-redshift sample.John K. Parejko, Tomomi Sunayama, Nikhil Padmanabhan, David A. Wake, Andreas A. Berlind, Dmitry Bizyaev, Michael Blanton, Adam S. Bolton, Frank van den Bosch, Jon Brinkmann, Joel R. Brownstein, Luiz Alberto Nicolaci da Costa, Daniel J. Eisenstein, Hong Guo, Eyal Kazin, Marcio Maia, Elena Malanushenko, Claudia Maraston, Cameron K. McBride, Robert C. Nichol, Daniel J. Oravetz, Kaike Pan, Will J. Percival, Francisco Prada, Ashley J. Ross, Nicholas P. Ross, David J. Schlegel, Don Schneider, Audrey E. Simmons, Ramin Skibba, Jeremy Tinker, Rita Tojeiro, Benjamin A. Weaver, Andrew Wetzel, Martin White, David H. Weinberg, Daniel Thomas, Idit Zehavi & Zheng Zheng - unknown
    We report on the small-scale (0.5 13 h - 1M, a large-scale bias of ~2.0 and a satellite fraction of 12 ± 2 per cent. Thus, these galaxies occupy haloes with average masses in between those of the higher redshift BOSS CMASS sample and the original SDSS I/II luminous red galaxy sample © 2012 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society © doi:10.1093/mnras/sts314.
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    Twigs, sequences and the temporal constitution of predicates.Sandro Zucchi & Michael White - 2001 - Linguistics and Philosophy 24 (2):223-270.
  27. The Missing Link Between Corporate Social Responsibility and Consumer Trust: The Case of Fair Trade Products.Sandro Castaldo, Francesco Perrini, Nicola Misani & Antonio Tencati - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 84 (1):1-15.
    This paper investigates the link between the consumer perception that a company is socially oriented and the consumer intention to buy products marketed by that company. We suggest that this link exists when at least two conditions prevail: (1) the products sold by that company comply with ethical and social requirements; (2) the company has an acknowledged commitment to protect consumer rights and interests. To test these hypotheses, we conducted a survey among the clients of retail chains offering Fair Trade (...)
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    (1 other version)A teoria reconstrutiva do direito. Notas sobre a gênese lógica do sistema dos direitos fundamentais em Habermas.Luiz Repa - 2010 - Doispontos 7 (2).
    Normal 0 21 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Nesse artigo procuro mostrar que a reconstrução habermasiana da gênese lógica do sistema de direitos é uma tentativa de explicitar o significado da práxis constituinte, reduzindo-a a dois elementos, o princípio do discurso e o conceito de forma jurídica. O princípio do discurso pode ser objeto de uma reconstrução interna, pela qual os participantes da práxis deliberativa podem reconhecê-lo como imanente a essa práxis. Isso porque o princípio do discurso se assenta nos pressupostos (...)
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    Payment in challenge studies from an economics perspective.Sandro Ambuehl, Axel Ockenfels & Alvin E. Roth - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (12):831-832.
    We largely agree with Grimwade et al ’s1 conclusion that challenge trial participants may ethically be paid, including for risk. Here, we add further arguments, clarify some points from the perspective of economics and indicate areas where economists can support the development of a framework for ethically justifiable payment. Our arguments apply to carefully constructed and monitored controlled human infection model trials that have been appropriately reviewed and approved. Participants in medical studies perform a service. Outside the domain of research (...)
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    Predication and cognitive context: Between minimalism and contextualism.Sandro Balletta & Filippo Domaneschi - 2019 - Ratio 32 (3):182-191.
    In this paper, we suggest a strategy for modelling cognitive context within a truth‐conditional semantics, using Asher's model of predication. This allows us to introduce the notion of type presupposition intended as a lexical constraint to the composition of the truth‐conditional content. More specifically, we suggest that this model of predication produces a notion of truth‐conditional meaning where the cognitive context fixes a set of lexical restrictions and forced modifications. We conclude that this model might offer an intermediate position between (...)
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  31.  7
    Filosofie della paura: verso la condizione post-postmoderna.Emiliano Bazzanella - 2012 - Trieste: Asterios.
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    Explanation and Justification. An Interpretation of Quine’s Naturalistic Epistemology from the Kantian Antecedent.Sandro Daniel Paredes Díaz - 2022 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 20:291-309.
    The aim of this article is to interpret the naturalist epistemological project of W. Quine from a problematic nucleus that we can identify in I. Kant, especially in the Critique of Pure Reason, which is expressed in the categories of explanation-justification, experimental psychology and transcendental philosophy. The hypothesis of our work is that the naturalization of epistemology in a psychology by Quine is possible due to a dissolution of the limits of the concepts of explanation and justification, which have in (...)
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    When nurses would have been called dispensatores.Sandro Geatti & Michela Lorenzon - 2010 - Nursing Philosophy 11 (3):204-208.
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    Filosofia do direito em perspectiva genealógica.Luiz Felipe Xavier Gonçalves - 2020 - Cadernos Nietzsche 41 (3):166-191.
    Resumo: Neste artigo, investigamos a concepção nietzschiana para a “filosofia do direito”. Assim, apresentamos a hipótese de que o autor possui uma conceituação heterodoxa acerca da filosofia do direito, podendo ser entendida numa perspectiva genealógica. Para coloca-la à prova, analisamos um fragmento póstumo de 1883 em três momentos: incialmente, apresentamos a crítica nietzschiana à filosofia do direito de Rudolf von Jhering. Em um segundo momento, indicamos que Nietzsche sinaliza uma perspectiva genealógica como novo método para ela. Por fim, apresentamos o (...)
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    Les enchanteurs : un archétype politique.Sandro Landi - 2022 - Cahiers Philosophiques 166 (3):79-95.
    En partant de l’image de la servitude volontaire comme un enchantement collectif qui apparaît au début du Discours de la servitude volontaire d’Étienne de La Boétie, cet article explore la transformation que subit la notion d’enchanteur au début du XVI e siècle. Les différents contextes que cette image permet d’identifier, indiquent que le Discours s’inscrit, de manière originale, dans la longue tradition médicale sur le pouvoir des enchantements. Cette reconstruction accorde un rôle central à la figure du chef thaumaturge, dont (...)
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  36. Immanenza e trascendenza nella filosofia bruniana: Spaventa, Gentile, Renda.Sandro Mancini & Alessandro Musco - 2009 - In Alberto Samonà (ed.), Giordano Bruno nella cultura mediterranea e siciliana dal '600 al nostro tempo: atti della Giornata nazionale di studi, Villa Zito, Palermo, 1 marzo 2008. Palermo: Officina di studi medievali.
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  37. Recensione a Karl Barth, pace E giustizia sociale, a cura di Francesco Saverio Festa, città aperta, troina (enna) 2008.Sandro Mancini - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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  38. Lexicographic macrostructures.Sandro Nielsen - 1990 - Hermes 4:49-66.
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    Kurt Wolff’s Interpretation of Mannheim’s Late Political Writings.Sandro Segre - 2016 - Human Studies 39 (3):451-463.
    This article deals with Kurt Wolff’s interpretation of Karl Mannheim, with reference to his writings on social planning. Wolff’s interpretation is presented and discussed in the context provided by other interpreters of Mannheim. They have, generally speaking, given scant attention to the late works by Mannheim, and rather focused on Ideology and Utopia, Mannheim’s most celebrated work. Interpreters who have considered these writings on planning have been mostly or entirely critical of them, objecting to their vagueness and inadequacy as a (...)
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    Dante and the Jewish Question: Bernardo Lecture Series, No. 13.Sandro Sticca (ed.) - 2004 - The Bernardo Lecture Series.
    _Addresses Jacoff’s own discomfort with Dante’s reiteration of the deicide charge against the Jews in Paradiso 7 and elsewhere._.
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    Metafisica ed etica in Kant.Sandro Travaglia - 1972 - Padova,: CEDAM.
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    Mohn und Gedächtnis. Weiterdenken nach Paul Celan und Jacques Derrida.Sandro Zanetti - 2007 - In Georg Christoph Tholen & Hans-Joachim Lenger (eds.), Mnema: Derrida Zum Andenken. Transcript Verlag. pp. 171-186.
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  43. Critique of telic power.Sandro Guli' & Luca Moretti - manuscript
    Åsa Burman has recently introduced the important notion of telic power and differentiated it from deontic power in an attempt to build a bridge between ideal and non-ideal social ontology. We find Burman’s project promising but we argue that more is to be done to make it entirely successful. First, there is a palpable tension between Burman’s claim that telic power can be ontologically independent of deontic power and her examples, which suggests that these forms of power share the same (...)
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  44. El Nietzsche apolítico de Colli Y montinari.Sandro Barbera - forthcoming - Res Publica.
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    The Complex Process of Mis/understanding Spatial Deixis in Face-To-Face Interaction.Carla Bazzanella - 2019 - Pragmática Sociocultural 7 (1):1-18.
    In general, understanding requires cognitive and linguistic skills, encompasses cultural, social, contextual and individual aspects, and is characterised by gradualness and dynamicity. In this study, the intertwined set of relevant components involved in the complex process of understanding space deixis will be analysed in the specific context of face-to-face interaction. In everyday conversation, this process is unavoidably mutual and may include misunderstanding (which often opens up a way to understanding), repairs, reformulations and negotiation cycles, all of which eventually lead to (...)
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    Incomplete events, intensionality and imperfective aspect.Sandro Zucchi - 1999 - Natural Language Semantics 7 (2):179-215.
    I discuss two competing theories of the progressive: the theory proposed in Parsons (1980, 1985, 1989, 1990) and the theory proposed in Landman (1992). These theories differ in more than one way. Landman regards the progressive as an intentional operator, while Parsons doesn't. Moreover, Landman and Parsons disagree on what uninflected predicates denote. For Landman, cross the street has in its denotation complete events of crossing the street; the aspectual contribution of English simple past (perfective aspect) is the identity function. (...)
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  47. The Meaning of Trust. A Content Analysis on the Diverse Conceptualizations of Trust in Scholarly Research on Business Relationships.Sandro Castaldo, Katia Premazzi & Fabrizio Zerbini - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 96 (4):657-668.
    Scholarly research largely converges on the argument that trust is of paramount importance to drive economic agents toward mutually satisfactory, fair, and ethically compliant behaviors. There is, however, little agreement on the meaning of trust, whose conceptualizations differ with respect to actors, relationships, behaviors, and contexts. At present, we know much better what trust does than what trust is. In this article, we present an extensive review and analysis of the most prominent articles on trust in market relationships. Using computer-aided (...)
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  48. Atoms, Metaphors and Paradoxes: Niels Bohr and the Construction of a New Physics.Sandro Petruccioli - 1995 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 46 (2):275-279.
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    Probing the mental representation of quantifiers.Sandro Pezzelle, Raffaella Bernardi & Manuela Piazza - 2018 - Cognition 181 (C):117-126.
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    Is Mathematics a Humanistic Science?Sandro Skansi, Kristina Šekrst & Marko Kardum - 2023 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 43 (2):321-331.
    In this paper, through the analysis of the division of different scientific fields, we deal with the nature of mathematics as a scientific discipline. Through the historical analysis of the division of science, but also the analysis of the nature of mathematics and the ontological status of the objects that mathematics deals with, we show that the now-established divisions among scientific fields are the result of social circumstances and that mathematics itself is closer to the humanities than the natural sciences.
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